Sunday, August 05, 2012

studio update

My vintage corner is proving great for photo shoots. Vintage war time issue maps picked up for a song. I love the nautical chart in the top pic!
I've been collecting vintage since my teens and had a good route round my loft, my dad gave me these vintage postal scales when they cleared out the old mill were he worked. Have to covert the weight but they are still pretty accurate so useful as well as decorative.
Remember the wall at the back here? Now painted with blackboard paint and seasoned with chalk and I love it! Helps section off the huge space, just need to practise my hand writing skills!
Couldn't resist buying this chalk from Labour & Wait, it's square so you can get a nice angle on the chalk plus I just love the vintage packaging and individual paper wrappings.


  1. oh wow jax, your studio space looks am-a-zing! i especially love the blackboard wall. i can see your space being in one of those fancy design/interior magazines ;))

    1. haha I wish ;)) Thanks Hannah x I tell you blackboard paint is pretty addictive, keep looking for other things to paint ;o)

  2. Every time you write about, or post pictures of your studio, you make me feel jealous! It must be amazing to work in a space that is already filled with creativity!

    1. aw thanks laura x You won't be jealous when it's winter and I've got icicles on the end of my nose ;o)

  3. Oh Jax it looks beautiful! Speechless - hope it inspires you to do more amazing work!

    1. aw thanks Kaz x It's my own little world where I can dream away. No moaning from the OH about all my vintage stuff collecting dust ;)

  4. It looks very very beautiful, Jax. It seems to be a inspiring place to work!
    I have to carve out the time to visit! :D

    How is printing with the Victoria?

    Best, Sabrina

    1. that would be fab ;) x
      The Victoria great, just could do with the motor running a few seconds slower!
      Jax x

  5. Sounds scary ... watch your fingers!!

    The studio is looking absolutely beautiful - really love the blackboard wall! By coincidence I've just bought a kitchen blackboard from Labour & Wait which came complete with that chalk!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The studio is looking stunning! I'm most impressed Jax!

    1. haha you just couldn't rests a pun! ;) Thanks szte, one more press to move and I'll be fully up and running!

  8. The studio looks fantastic and it looks great for photographs!


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