Thursday, December 03, 2015

by skill and hard work

Thanks to for the feature in their zine By Skill & Hard Work it was lovely to have visitors to the studio!


  1. Jax - you're famous - great article! Reminds me that the letterpress xmas card exchange is getting close and I haven't got a clue at the moment. Hope you've got your rollers back now - nightmare!!! xx

    1. haha my 15mins! I know I've decided not to take part this time, good job as still not got my rollers back!
      Not a happy bunny, ;( x

  2. I'll bet you're not - you must be tearing your hair out! Silver lining - a chance to do your Christmas shopping before Christmas Eve! x
    Ps Probably a wise move re the Christmas card exchange - there's so many people that it's going to be quite an expensive business


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